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Silicon cooling hoses for Renault R4 4L with Billancourt engine. Inferior main radiator.

Main radiator hose, inferior,
For Billancourt engine,
The Billancourt engine is the engine with the fan propeller attached to the water pump.
Guaranteed editing.
The big advantage of silicone hoses lies in their characteristic to withstand extremely well all the stresses that they can undergo. This gives them an excellent performance over time.
Indestructible hose!
For any Renault R4 4L sedan or F4 van equipped with a Billancourt engine,

Ref. Renault Equivalent (s):
- 08 57 730 100,
- 0857730100,
Silicon cooling hoses for Renault R4 4L with Billancourt engine. Inferior main radiator.
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